Chelsea Motors
Opens today at 9:00 AM

Chelsea, MI's best selection of used cars, trucks, & SUVs

Quality preowned vehicles near Jackson, Grass Lake, Manchester, Saline, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dexter, Pinckney, and Stockbridge

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Unlocking your car's trade-in potential: Discover its value in a few simple steps.

Fast-track your dealership visit: Save time with online credit approval!

Chelsea Motors used car dealership in Chelsea, Michigan

Chelsea Motors used car dealership is conveniently located in Chelsea, near Jackson, Grass Lake, Manchester, Saline, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dexter, Pinckney, and Stockbridge.


years in the car business


reviews on Google with 4.5 rating


cars to fit any budget


satisfied customers & counting!